
Grestone Academy








At Grestone, the RE curriculum develops children’s ability to reflect and engage in thinking through the values and qualities that that are part of the human experience, such as forgiveness, being thankful, suffering and joy. Our curriculum supports children to develop morally and spiritually and to broaden their understanding of different cultures in order to prepare children for the experiences of adult life. As children reflect on these bigger issues, the curriculum ensures they build up an understanding of the perspectives of different religions and traditions. In order for our children to make sense of the world around them, the curriculum supports all to appreciate differences in belief, and develop an understanding of other people’s culture, religion and ways of life.



So that children are able to reflect and understand more, we follow the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. (Link Here)

The key focuses in RE are ‘learning from religion’ and ‘learning about religious traditions’. The curriculum is based on 24 dispositions (these ‘bigger’ reflection points). Each unit then develops children’s knowledge of different faiths linked to this main reflection point. Children learn to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and our behaviour and understand more of the principal religions represented in Great Britain.

In practise, this means lessons are often question based and children are invited to share their own experiences and understanding. The value we place on being inclusive means our curriculum embraces all religions and provides opportunities for each one to be represented. Religions and communities are respected and differing values are communicated sensitively and positively. Children learn through accessing artefacts, videos, visiting place sof worship, sharing religious stories and having open discussion and reflection. Our curriculum goes hand in hand with our PRIDE values and supports children to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.