Is my child able to take leave during term time?
We recognise that families may wish to request leave during term time for a variety of reasons, but time missed during term time is disruptive for your child and impacts on their learning significantly.
From 1st September 2013, the Government amended the England (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006. Headteachers may grant leave in ‘exceptional circumstances’ only. At Grestone Academy we operate within Birmingham City Councils ‘Leave in Term Time Guidance for schools and Academies’. Parents wishing to apply for leave during term time must send a written request for the attention of the Headteacher before making any arrangements. Each leave during term time request will be considered on an individual basis.
If a child fails to return and contact with the parent has not been made or received, the school may take the child off the school’s roll in compliance with the Education (Pupil registration, England) Regulations 2006. This means that the child may lose their school place.
If the permission to take leave is not granted and the child is still absent from school, the absence will be unauthorised. In such cases the school may consider legal action.
Only in exceptional circumstances will absence be agreed. In such cases, consideration will be given to the cultural needs and the family circumstances. In all cases, parents will be required to justify why the leave needs to be taken during term time.