What should I do if my child is unwell?
Wherever possible, we want children to be attending well. However, there are rare occasions when your child will not be well enough to attend school. We ask that you make sure that you contact us at school by 9:30am. If we cannot contact you when your child is absent we may consider your child to be missing from education.
We have a duty to safeguard children. If we don’t know where your child is and why they are absent, we have a duty to notify the local authority by making a referral to the CME Team. Reasons for this might include:
- A child has not taken up an allocated school place as expected, or
- A child has 5 or more days of continuous absence from school without explanation or contact
- A child has left school suddenly and their destination is unknown
Please support us by making sure you remain in contact with the school if your child is absent or notifying us with details if you plan to take them off the school roll.
The chart below shows the processes we go through in a step by step way.